A new cost function based on the diagonalization of correlation matrices is proposed to measure the independency of output signals. 提出了一种新的基于相关矩阵对角化的代价函数作为衡量输出信号独立性的测度。
Nevertheless, new cost potentials could be gained in correlation with electric vehicles, offering new approaches for innovative lightweight designs. 不过,就电动汽车而言,可以在成本方面挖掘新的潜能,为创新性轻量设计提供新的途径。
Different types of cost play different role in the construction and operation of digital libraries, and the correlation between them is also different. 不同类型的成本项目对数字图书馆建设和运作的重要性不同,他们之间的相关性也不同。
The metropolis gathering is the common characteristic in the development of industry, which result from efficiency promotion, cost saving and the effectiveness increase by gathering the social economy activity and its correlation essential factor in a certain district. 都市集聚是竞争优势产业发展的一个共同特征,是社会经济活动及其相关要素在空间上集中所引起资源利用效率提高和成本节约以及效用增加的结果。
The research project gives play to the important guidance role in the many aspects, such as reducing the industry device volume, economizing installation cost, and lightening the financial burden of correlation enterprise. 以上关于高流量负荷下生物膜填料塔的净化性能研究,将会在减小生物法废气净化工业装置体积、节省设备投资和减轻相关企业低浓度挥发性有机废气治理的经济负担等方面发挥重要的指导作用。
The functional relationship between cost and sales of the factory on monthly basis is estimated by regression and correlation analysis using the adjusted historical data of monthly cost and sales. ,文章运用回归分析和相关分析的方法,对收集到的数据进行必要的处理,从而找出该厂月成本与月销售额之间的函数关系。
The results show that for all conditions of retailer cost information sharing, the profits of retailers are directly proportional to the cost variance of the retailers and inversely proportional to the substitution coefficient and correlation coefficient of the products. 结果表明:在各种信息共享组合下,各零售商的收益与零售商成本方差成正比例关系,与零售商所售产品的替代系数成反比例关系,与零售商间成本的相关系数成反比例关系;
Research on Developmental and Productive Cost for Aircraft Based on Grey Correlation Analysis Theory and Equalisation-Engineering Value-Rate Method 基于灰色关联分析理论和等工程价值比方法的飞行器研制生产费用研究
Trade cost effects trade frequency to enlarge the negative correlation between trade frequency and stock expect return. 交易成本作用于交易频率,强化交易频率与股票预期收益率的负相关性。
The quality cost optimization model mainly reflects the correlation between the product quality level and the product quality cost. It also identifies the composing elements of quality cost and determines the relationship between them. It is an important item in quality cost management. 质量成本优化模型主要是反映产品质量水平与产品质量成本之间的关系、以及识别和确定质量成本各构成要素之间的比例关系,是质量成本管理的一项重要内容。
Finally, from the perspective of minimizing the total cost of the system, the change of inventory cost along with demand correlation under these two situations is presented with a numerical example, which is proved to be useful for inventory decision. 最后,通过算例,从系统总成本最小的角度出发,给出了这两种条件下库存成本随需求相关系数的变化情况,证明了此模型可用于库存决策。
A Smallest Cost Function Frame Estimation Algorithm Based on Spatial-Temporal Correlation in Neighboring Frames of Stereoscopic Sequences 一种基于立体视邻接帧时空相关性的最小代价函数帧估计算法
The full text divides into four parts altogether: First part: Introduce the connotation of tax informationization and the cost of tax revenue; analyze the correlation of tax informationization and the cost of tax revenue by researching taxation cost, pay-tax cost and opportunity cost. 第一部分介绍了税务信息化与税收成本的内涵,从征税成本、纳税成本、机会成本三个方面对税务信息化与税收成本相关性进行分析研究。
It discusses how the cost of safe stock changes with the correlation coefficient of space requirement. 讨论了当空间需求的相关系数变动时,安全库存的成本是如何变化的。
Lateral correlation integrating the data of palaeontology and seismology can be used to assess the levels of fossil and to calibrate the relative positions of the seismic markers. Cost could be reduced and efficiency of stratigraphic correlation could be enhanced in the cause of production by this mean. 地震与古生物资料的联合横向对比还可以帮助评估化石层位和标定地震标准层的相对位置,在生产实践中可节约成本,提高地层对比效率。
We should implement professional manager strategic management from reducing the enterprise interior and exterior transaction cost, carrying the internationalization competition, satisfied needs of the benefit correlation community and creating the high achievements work system implements, and thus promotes the enterprises 'core competitive ability unceasingly. 应从降低企业内部和外部交易成本,国际化竞争、满足利益相关群体需要及创造高绩效工作系统等方面实施职业经理人战略性管理,从而不断提升企业核心竞争力。
The minimum cost M ( Fig. 2) demonstrates the correlation with the preventive cost, accident cost, and total sum and the safety level of an enterprise, which should be sought by a normal enterprise. 劳动安全卫生费用模型(图2)反映了预防投资、事故费用、总费用与企业安全水平之间的关系。
With cost information sharing, the manufacturer's profit is directly proportional to the cost variance of the retailers and the correlation coefficient of the products. 当信息共享存在时,供应商的收益与零售商成本方差、零售商间成本的相关系数成正比例关系。
Combined with full search in low subband, a more accurate initial MV can be obtained from the prediction approach with little computational cost overhead, by utilizing multiresolution characteristic of wavelet transform and temporal/ spatial correlation between the blocks. 初始运动矢量预测方法利用小波变换的多分辨率特性,以及块的时间和空间关联性,并结合低频子带全搜索方法,在运算复杂度增加极小的情况下,得到更准确的初始运动矢量。
Volume size and cost of installation of a better correlation, the relative size of size, volume size includes the vertical size factor. 体积尺寸与安装工程造价相关性更好,相对面积尺寸,体积尺寸还综合了竖向尺寸因素。
However, all of these consequences can be revealed by the reduction of the equity capital cost. Many literatures based on foreign market indicate that there is a negative correlation between information disclosure level and equity capital cost. Is this conclusion available in Chinese market? 国外文献中许多证据都表明了信息披露水平的提高与权益资本成本成负相关关系,但这一研究结论在不完善的资本市场上是否适用仍然存在很大争议。
Companies will make the hardest effort to reduce costs, then passed the cost on to staff to become one of the choice. Such a negative correlation exists between them. 作为追求利润最大化的企业会做最大的努力降低成本,那么将其中一部分或者全部转嫁给职员就成为规避的方式之一,这样他们之间存在一个负相关的关系。
Tightly around the suspension bridge cost influence factors and correlation of main research method is survey, expert consultation, through the collection of information, after finishing using analogy, according to bridge structure analysis. 紧紧围绕悬索桥造价影响因素及其相关性主要研究方法是调研、专家咨询,通过收集资料,整理后采用类比分析、根据桥梁结构进行分析等。
Again, through econometrics Chow-test, the dummy variable inspection to determine the effect of the presence of manipulated variable adjustment of the perceived cost, and correlation analysis showed that the perceived cost and the online reviews of behavior showing a negative correlation relationship. 再次,通过计量经济学中的邹检验(Chow-test)、虚拟变量检验等方法判断了感知成本这一调节变量的调节效应的存在,且相关分析表明感知成本与在线评论行为呈现出负相关的关系。
And in equilibrium condition, P1 is negative correlation with examination cost ( Z) of insurance institutions and is positive correlation with the probability of successful examining ( m), punishment intensity ( a). 而且,在均衡条件下,医院遵守协议概率P1与医疗保险机构审查成本(Z)负相关,与保险机构进行审查时的成功概率(m)、惩罚强度系数(α)正相关。
In this paper, analysis the parameters between cost targets and materials prices, price of artificial man-days, the correlation of building, come to a series of laws of the installation project cost, hope for the rules of calculation guide to practical engineering. 本文主要分析造价指标与材料价格、人工工日单价、建筑物参数之间的相关性,得出一系列别墅安装工程造价规律,最后希望得到能给实际工程参考的计算规则。
On the other hand, for harmonic retrieval, we define a novel efficient cost function based on the structural information of a set of correlation matrices, and apply the multistage algorithm to find all the frequency components. 对于谐波恢复问题,基于一组相关矩阵的结构化信息,定义了一个有效的代价函数,利用该算法可以得到全部频率分量。
Except firm size, the other control variables and cost of equity capital are positive correlation. 除公司规模与权益资本成本呈负相关之外,其他的控制变量均与权益资本成本呈正相关。
As the existence of asymmetrical shelf-shift tasks in the center and self-finished cost of each task, besides the correlation between every two tasks, the problem of multi-robot task assignment in logistic center is different from multi-robot routing problem. 由于存在仓库内部移库操作等非对称式任务,同时,除了任务之间的关联关系以外,每个任务都有不同的自身代价,因而智能仓库系统多机器人任务分配问题不同于多机器人路由问题。
And the levels of the benefit and cost are influenced by policy environment, science and technology development level, industrial correlation degree, natural resources factors and so on. 其中收益与成本的大小受政策环境、科技发展水平、产业间相关程度以及自然资源等因素的影响。